Saturday, November 05, 2005


So on Friday November 4th we had a going away lunch for one of our sales/pm's who's departure I'm still trying to figure out. Anyways....Instead of pre-ordering my lunch and eating something managable I opted for the buffet. Why you ask did I choose the rotten, sneeze guard doesn't work, pig trough, I better eat all I can buffet! Because its cheap and easy. And that makes my food a whore and i'm the john. (Good Grief!) I believe I will now digress....

Of course half way into my *second plate!* I'm wondering why that little voice inside my head didn't warn me about the decisions I needed to make in a few hours.

I must have packed on a pound or two because of it. I should have taken the hint from a couple of my co-workers and not eaten anything. Arghh!!

One thing I don't like doing is eating out. Depending on where you eat it is an easy way to gain weight. I will have to avoid eating in any restaurant this month.


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